Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Essay about Causes and Consequences of Conflict - 1136 Words
Encountering Conflict - Secret river A conflicts importance lies not in its causes but in its consequences. In todays rising society, where we experience people willing to strive to their maximum potential by any means necessary, it becomes blatantly obvious to why we often overlook the implications we inflict on others. We are sometimes aware of our actions, acting in spite or in fear, and sometimes ignorant to the situation, unaware of the consequences we deliver. The question is however – where does the importance of conflict lie – in its causes? Or in its consequences? It seems evident that there are many people will use their spite and fear and perhaps even compassion to exacerbate conflict. People all too easily become to†¦show more content†¦A question rarely easy to answer, but an important one to decipher. It would be highly ignorant to say that the consequences are the most important aspect of conflict in all cases when it is evident that the causes play just as big a part. The Australian Aboriginals themselves had to adjust to survive. They had to find a way to live in this land after they first arrived. If Aboriginals were not to continue in conflict with the land and the others they shared it with, change became a necessity. Over time they developed a harmonious way to live and prosper within the limitations of their environment – a harmony that became enshrined within their culture. Modern Society is, at an incredible rate, exploiting and using up resources, that we will not have the luxury of 40,000 years to find a new way of life in order to survive. Our society could do worse than to try and learn a little from the first Australians. One only has to look at Kate Grenvilles main protagonist in The Secret River, William Thornhill, ending the book on his verandah, gazing wistfully out at the ridge across the river, willing an appearance by people of the Aboriginal clan he had been instrumental in displacing, and thinking the same thing. When considering the types of conflicts faced by individuals – personal conflict, interpersonal conflict and extra personal conflict, we must also acknowledge the moral dilemmas, such as racism or differences with immediate others andShow MoreRelatedThe Causes And Consequences Of Class Conflict Between The Bourgeoisie And The Proletariat1422 Words  | 6 PagesMarx s conflict theory has a very distinct ideology, it is stated that it mainly focuses on the causes and consequences of class conflict between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The Bourgeoisie represented the members of a higher society which held onto the majority of the wealth and means also known as the owners of the means of production and the capitalists. While the proletariat class was constructed by individuals who belong to the working class or the poor. 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